If you are able to download the email but you are not able to send out email even though the SMTP information is correct, then one of the reason might due to your ISP is blocking port 25.
Kindly be informed that Skytomato email hosting used port 25 to send out email. If you configure your SMTP to used port 25, then when you send an email to any recipient, it will use port 25 to transmit the data to remote server. Therefore, if your ISP (internet service provider) is blocking the port 25, then the email will not go through to our server for delivery. Some ISPs believe that if they block port 25 to cut down the spam email to their network.
Kindly be informed that Skytomato only provide port 25 as our SMTP services. If you are not able to send out email due to they have block the port 25, you may use your ISP SMTP to send out the email.
If you are not sure what is your ISP SMTP server and port number, please consult with the authorities on this matter.
The below are list of ISP that block port 25 and their outgoing mail server name.
No | ISP | Outgoing Mail Server (ISP) |
1 | Adelphia | smtp.blk.adelphia.net |
2 | Alltel | mail.alltel.net |
3 | AOL | smtp.aol.com |
4 | Aliant / NbTel | smtp.nbnet.nb.ca, smtp.vibe.net, smtp.aibn.nb.ca |
5 | AT&T WorldNet | Imailhost.worldnet.att.net |
6 | BCPL | mail.bcpl.net |
7 | BellSouth | mail.bellsouth.net |
8 | Bellatlantic.net | smtpout.bellatlantic.net |
9 | Bestweb | smtp.bestweb.net |
10 | BEV.net | smtp.bev.net |
11 | Blacksburg.net | smtp.blacksburg.net |
12 | BYU | nm.byu.edu |
13 | Cableone | mail.cableone.net |
14 | CalWeb | smtp.calweb.com |
15 | Charm.net | smtp.charm.net |
16 | Charter | smtp.charter.net |
17 | Chicagonet.net | mail.chicagonet.net |
18 | Citizen's Internet | smtp.swva.net |
19 | Coastalnet | mail2.coastalnet.com |
20 | Columbia | smtp.columbia.edu |
21 | CompuServ | smtp.site1.csi.com |
22 | CompuServe Classic | mail.compuserve.com |
23 | Concentric | smtp.concentric.net |
24 | Comcast/ATTBI | smtp.comcast.net |
25 | Cox.net | smtp.west.cox.net, smtp.east.cox.net |
26 | Crosslink | smtp.crosslink.net |
27 | CU Boulder | eces.colorado.edu |
28 | DCAnet | postoffice.dca.net |
29 | DirecWay | smtp.direcway.com |
30 | EarthLink | mail.earthlink.net |
31 | Enter | smtp.enter.net |
32 | Ezy | smtp.ezy.et |
33 | Flashnet | mail.flash.net |
34 | FloydVA.net | mail.floydva.net |
35 | ISPWest | smtp.ispwest.com |
36 | Ibm.net | smtp1.ibm.net |
37 | Interaccess.com | smtp.interaccess.com |
38 | ITOL | mail.itol.com |
39 | Juno | smtp.juno.com |
40 | Lycos | email.1stup.com |
41 | Microsoft's MSN | smtp.email.msn.com |
42 | MindSpring | smtp.mindspring.com |
43 | MCI2000 | mailrelay.internetmci.com |
44 | McLeodusa | email.mcleodusa.net |
45 | MediaOne | smtp.ce.mediaone.net |
46 | Mpower Communications | smtp.mpowercom.net |
47 | Netcom.com | smtp.ix.netcom.com |
48 | Netexpress.net | netexpress.net |
49 | Netscape | smtp.isp.netscape.com |
50 | Netvigator | mail.netvigator.com |
51 | NetZero | smtp.netzero.net |
52 | NRVi.net | mail.nrvi.net |
53 | NTELOS | mail.ntelos.net |
54 | NYU.edu | is4.nyu.edu |
55 | Omega Communications | smtp.i-plus.net |
56 | People PC | mail.peoplepc.com |
57 | Prodigy Internet | smtp.prodigy.net |
58 | PacBell | mail.pacbell.net |
59 | PSI.net | relay.smtp.psi.net, bbr0-f1.sna.com |
60 | PSU.edu | smtp.psu.edu |
61 | PTD.net | mail.ptd.net |
62 | RCN.com | smtp.rcn.com |
63 | Rider.edu | enigma.rider.edu |
64 | Road Runner (Hawaii) | smtp-server.hawaii.rr.com |
65 | Road Runner (San Diego) | mail.san.rr.com |
66 | SBC | smtp.wans.yahoo.com, smtp.swbell.yahoo.com, smtp.snet.yahoo.com, smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com,smtp.prodigy.yahoo.com, smtp.pacbell.yahoo.com, smtp.nvbell.yahoo.com, smtp.flash.yahoo.com, smtp.ameritech.yahoo.com |
67 | Shaw Cable (Canada) | mail.shawcable.com |
68 | Sonic.net | mail.sonic.net See : http://www.sonic.net/support/faq/advanced/port_25.shtml |
69 | Sprynet | smtp.sprynet.com |
70 | Sympatico.ca |  |
71 | SDSU | rohan.sdsu.edu |
72 | Shentel | smtp.shentel.net |
73 | SpeakEasy | mail.speakeasy.net |
74 | SprintPCS | smtp.sprintpcs.com |
75 | Sysnet | mail.sysnet.net |
76 | Telocity.com | smtp.telocity.com |
77 | TM Streamyx | smtp.streamyx.com |
78 | Ucsf.edu | mail.ucsf.edu |
79 | UCCS | smtp.uccs.edu |
80 | UCSD | smtp.ucsd.edu |
81 | UMBC | smtp.gl.umbc.edu |
82 | Velocityhsi.com | mail.velocityhsi.com |
83 | Verio | mail.verio.net |
84 | Virginia Tech | smtp.vt.edu |
85 | Verizon/GTE(Dial-Up) | smtp.verizon.net, smtp.vzavenue.net |
86 | Yahoo | smtp.mail.yahoo.com |
87 | ZNET | mail.znet.com |
88 | Ziplink | smtp.ziplink.net |
It is advisable for you to consult your ISP for the Outgoing mail server name and the port number. For TM Streamyx(Malaysia ISP) user, you may refer to the URL as below as we have provided alternative Port of SMTP port 587.