Email field Print

  • 2

Both email and email* are for single-line input and accept only e-mail addresses. email* is a required field.


Available options for email and email*


(size)/(maxlength) 40/100
Field size and max length. You can omit one of them.
id:(id) id:foo id attribute value of the input element.
class:(class) class:bar class attribute value of the input element. To set two or more classes, you can use multiple class: option, like [email your-email class:y2008 class:m01 class:d01].
tabindex:(num) tabindex:10 tabindex attribute value of the input element.
akismet:author_email   Options for using Akismet.
placeholder watermark   Use the value as placeholder text instead of as default value. watermark works as an alias of placeholder
default:user_email   Options for retrieving logged-in user info as default value of field.


These fields can have a zero or one value, and the value will be used as the default value of the input field.




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