Configure How Your Pages Appear Print

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Different themes show pages in different ways. Themes that have buttons or tabs at the top sometimes populate those buttons/tabs with your pages automatically. Other themes generate your list of pages in the sidebar. Other themes require you to manually type the page URLs.


You should know several things about the ordering of pages. If a list of pages (that you created) automatically appear on your site, you can change their order through the Page Order field that appears below the page.


To change the page order:


  1. Go to Manage > Pages.
  2. Click the page you want.
  3. In the Page Order section below the page, set the page order by typing 1, 2, 3, and so on. A page with an order of 1 appears before a page with an order of 2.
  4. Click Save.

Tip: If you're listing your pages in your sidebar, the Pages widget has an Edit link that allows you to define the way the pages are sorted and what pages are excluded.


Note: If you have a theme with 5 tabs across the top (coded to automatically fill these tabs with your pages), yet you have 10 pages, you'll either want to manually code the links in your header.php file (available by going to Design > Theme Editor), or modify the arguments in the wp_list_pages tag to exclude pages you don't want to appear in your header. The Pages sidebar widget provides easy fields to note exclusions. But if your theme has a navigation or tab bar, editing the pages is trickier. The list of pages is automatically generated in your code through the tag. You can modify the "arguments" text with different parameters that define how you want your pages to appear. For example, you can include or exclude pages from the list, include child pages, define their sort order, and so on. See the instructions about the wp_list_pages template tag for more information.

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