Create a List Print

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This article will guide you on how to create List (a collection of your subscribers)

1) Log into your EBuzzzz management panel according to the URL that provided in the welcome email.

2) Click "List" under Getting Started area (First time access)


Select List > Manage Lists > Add (Create your second list)

A) List Info:

Name of List: Your List Name (ex: Existing clients list)

Additional & Advanced Settings
Allow duplicate emails to subscribe: (If think it will send duplicate newsletters to email accounts that exists twice)
Ask for reason for unsubscription: (Advise to untick this option unless you plan to collect those feedback)
Send last campaign to new subscribers: (If tick it will resend last campaign in List that you just add the subscriber)
Require Name: (Only tick if you plan to greeting your client with name and keep a record)
Do not show in public section (Advise to tick this option, public section disable by default for visitors)
Default Subscriber Name: (Default is Subscriber and you can change it accordingly)
Send copies of campaigns to: ((Separate multiple emails by comma, semicolon or space)
Public URL Short Name: (Auto create short cart for your list name)
Subscription Notification Email: (Separate multiple emails by comma, semicolon or space)
Unsubscription notification email: (Separate multiple emails by comma, semicolon or space)

B) Sender's Contact Information (Fill in your company detail)

C) External Services
Google Analytics Read Tracking (Your Analytics Account Number (UA) needed)
Google Analytics Link Tracking (Put your newsletter name, Domain/IP for tracking)

Click 'Add' to add the List.

D) Pop out Add subscriber options
After that, it will show:

1- Add Subscribe (Add subscriber manually one by one)

2 - Import Subscribers

2a. Import From
-A File (For large group of subscribers)
-Copy/Paste (Small group of subscribers)
-An External Service (Not available at the moment)

2b. Import Into
Choose the List you want to import and it can select multiple lists

Advanced Importing Options
-Import As Unconfirmed Subscriber (slower, send opt-in mail)
(Notes: Suggested, it will confirm your recipients willing to receive your newsletter)

-Import As Active Subscriber
(Notes: Can directly receive your newsletter when you send using existing list)

-Import As Unsubscribed Subscriber
(Notes: Import but status as Unsubscribed and will not receive your newsletter)

-Import As Excluded Email Address
(Notes: You want to exclude this email account from that exists in your list)

Update existing subscribers while importing
(Notes: Update your current subscriber status)

Do not import previously bounced addresses
(Notes: It will not import those subscriber that bounce back in the past)

Click Next > Select Fields to Map > Import Now

It will show 'Your import has been completed.' when finish.

3 - Manage Lists (Back to List management area)

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